RQMO's Rare Communities

Our support program for people "without an association"

The RQMO brings together individuals affected by rare diseases in Quebec, for whom a dedicated association is absent. These are our “Rare Communities”. Our goal is to provide them with the necessary support by creating a safe space where they can share their experiences, concerns, advice and journeys. Through our regular virtual meetings, known as “Café rencontres rares,” (Rare Café Meetings), we collaborate to define future projects and discuss shared challenges.

Experts, such as specialized doctors or healthcare professionals, are regularly invited to present webinars on specific topics.

These are our active “Rare Communities”:

To join one of these communities, contact us.


If you want to get in touch with other people in Quebec who have the same rare disease (or similar disease)

To find a rare disease association in Quebec or elsewhere in Canada, consult our directory

To discuss all kinds of subjects in complete confidentiality, whatever the illness, join the private Facebook group

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