Matching Service
Matching people with the same rare disease
Do you want to find an individual or family dealing with the same rare disease as you or your child in order to share your experiences and advice?
Register yourself in our matching registry.

We may already have someone with your disease in our contact registry of people affected in Quebec (or elsewhere in Canada).Please fill out the form below and we will consult our registry. If we don’t have anyone, we will search for you through other sources.
If we cannot find anyone at the present time, we will contact you as soon as we have a listiing with the same rare disease.
- Please note that we keep your information confidential and we never give out your name or email address without your permission.
- If we can match you with another person, we will ask for your permission each time it arises.
If you want to unsubscribe from the matching registry, write to us by email to notify us.
Form to complete for our matching service: