Even if your illness (or your child’s) does not have a name or the diagnosis is not yet certain, you can contact our iRARE Centre.

We can explore with you if there are some possible avenues that can be taken to obtain a diagnosis in the health system or through research. It is also possible to register in some international registries where people share their information in the hope of finding someone with a similar disease or a researcher who might be interested in it.

Here is a guide to help you ​

By the Rare Disease Foundation (Canada)

Resources for the undiagnosed

Diagnostic aid tools

Associations and support groups

Publications and media

Listen to Caroline’s story about her son, Tommy, without a diagnosis for 14 years!

Read the article: Les plus orphelines des maladies: les maladies sans nom

Listen to the conferences on the theme of the “undiagnosed” presented during our Month of Zebruary 2022. (Some conferences are in English and others have English translation).


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